The multimedia exhibition «Eyes» is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. The exhibition is based on real stories of people who spent 900 days and nights in the blockaded city.
In this project, the authors decided to apply modern technologies in a different way, turningthem into a tool to shorten the distance between generations. With the help of artificialintelligence, the authors will try to recreate fragments from the memory of the residents of the besieged city and through the use of modern technologies to tell about important historical events.
Each hero of the exhibition is a unique story of life in inhuman conditions. Real events, their witnesses, faces, eyes, voices, smells and sounds are intertwined in the artistic canvas of the project.
The heroes of the exhibition are witnesses of the siege of Leningrad who live in St. Petersburg today. Modern technologies used in the creation of the exhibition allow viewers to look at the events of the past through the eyes of the besiegedcity.
The concept of the exhibition is eyes reflecting events in people's lives.
Eyes that can tell much more than a monograph or a book. Eyes, as the most expressive thing in a person, ‘speak’.